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Loving yourself

How about a new approach to Valentine's Day?  I'm not talking about a new type of sex toy or a great position, I'm talking about showing yourself a little love!  What makes you feel warm and fuzzy?  Is it words that make you feel good?  flowers?  a particular song?  Here are some ways to express love to yourself:

  • Write yourself a love letter or a love poem.  Tell yourself what is special about you, what you appreciate about yourself, or what you have done to make life good.  Even if the only thing you can come up with is that you got out of bed this morning, really praise yourself.  You deserve every word of it!
  • Make a date with yourself.  Play music you like, go see or rent a movie you've been wanting to see, cook your favorite meal, take a bubble bath--whatever makes you happy!
  • Honor your independence!  Some of us have partners, but if you don't, accept that it's okay to fly solo.  Pamper yourself with a spa day or do-it-yourself in your own bathroom with lots of candles and a glass of wine.
  • Send a card or flowers to someone who is unpartnered.  Doing something for someone we care about can be very uplifting and rewarding.
  • Solo love play has its advantages--it can have health benefits, such as keeping tissues supple and healthy, as well as experimenting with what feels good for your body.

The one person that deserves your adoration and love is you, so celebrate yourself today!

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